
How we figured out there are galaxies other than our own?

How we figured out there are galaxies other than our own?

Cepheids are stars whose brightness changes periodically over time, and they had been discovered by the American astronomer, Henrietta Leavitt, in the early 1900ʼs. Hubble used the P-L relation to find the distance to the Cepheid he was studying in M31, and proved that it was located outside of our own Galaxy.

How did Hubble prove other galaxies?

Hubble’s brilliant observation was that the red shift of galaxies was directly proportional to the distance of the galaxy from earth. That meant that things farther away from Earth were moving away faster. In other words, the universe must be expanding. He announced his finding in 1929.

Who proved galaxies exist?

astronomer Edwin Hubble
Often called a “pioneer of the distant stars,” astronomer Edwin Hubble (1889–1953) played a pivotal role in deciphering the vast and complex nature of the universe. His meticulous studies of spiral nebulae proved the existence of galaxies other than our own Milky Way.

Who showed that other galaxies existed and observed that the universe is expanding because the other galaxies are all moving away from the Milky Way?

By plotting the distance of eighteen galaxies against their red shifts, Hubble discovered a direct relationship: Galaxies were moving away from earth at a rate proportional to their distance from us. Hubble’s discovery was not just unexpected, but monumental.

Can we see Nebula in other galaxies?

Are there any well known examples of large beautiful nebulas in other galaxies? And he replied: Actually, yes. Look online for image of the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is lousy with nebulae.

Why can’t we be certain that the Andromeda galaxy exists today?

Why can’t we be certain that the Andromeda Galaxy exists today? There is no denying that the Andromeda Galaxy existed at one point in time. However, because the galaxy is a staggering 2.5 billion light years away, there is no way to prove it still exists.

How did Hubble determine the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy?

Hubble obtained enough observations of V1 to plot its light curve, determining a period of 31.4 days, indicating the object was a Cepheid variable. Using all the Cepheids, he obtained a distance of 900,000 light-years. Improved measurements now place Andromeda at 2 million light-years away.

Who discovered the first star?

Hipparchus is known for the discovery of the first recorded nova (new star). Many of the constellations and star names in use today derive from Greek astronomy.

Did Hubble discover God?

The Hubble telescope has scientifically confirmed the power Isaiah wrote about, and is now revealing a Grand Drama that takes us to the core of our very existence!

What was the first galaxy?

As of May 5, 2015, the galaxy EGS-zs8-1 is the most distant and earliest galaxy measured, forming 670 million years after the Big Bang. The light from EGS-zs8-1 has taken 13 billion years to reach Earth, and is now 30 billion light-years away, because of the expansion of the universe during 13 billion years.

Which galaxy is moving away from Earth?

The galaxies are moving away from Earth because the fabric of space itself is expanding. While galaxies themselves are on the move — the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way, for example, are on a collision course — there is an overall phenomenon of redshift happening as the universe gets bigger.

Which nebula is Earth in?

Helix Nebula
The closest known nebula to Earth is called the Helix Nebula. It is the remnant of a dying star—possibly one like the Sun.

What nebula can we see?

Orion Nebula
Most nebulae – clouds of interstellar gas and dust – are difficult if not impossible to see with the unaided eye or even binoculars. But the Orion Nebula is in a class nearly all by itself. It’s visible to the unaided eye on a dark, moonless night.

Is the Milky Way moving through space?

The Milky Way does not sit still, but is constantly rotating. As such, the arms are moving through space. Even at this rapid speed, the solar system would take about 230 million years to travel all the way around the Milky Way.

Can we travel to another galaxy?

The technology required to travel between galaxies is far beyond humanity’s present capabilities, and currently only the subject of speculation, hypothesis, and science fiction. However, theoretically speaking, there is nothing to conclusively indicate that intergalactic travel is impossible.

What is the most accurate way to determine the distance to a very distant galaxy?

Astronomers estimate the distance of nearby objects in space by using a method called stellar parallax, or trigonometric parallax. Simply put, they measure a star’s apparent movement against the background of more distant stars as Earth revolves around the sun.

How was the first star born?

The first stars turned on when hot gas coalesced around clumps of dark matter, then contracted and became dense enough to ignite the nuclear hearts of infant suns. An updated time line of the universe shows the first stars being born by about 180 million years after the big bang.

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