
What are the important works of literature or sacred texts of Hinduism?

What are the important works of literature or sacred texts of Hinduism?

The remembered texts consist of post-Vedic texts. Among the most important are two epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana; the Bhagavad Gita, a text inserted into the Mahabharata that focuses on the god Krishna; and the Dharamasastras; consisting of the manuals concerning dharma and aphorism on dharma.

Why is dharma so important to the life of a Hindu follower?

Hindus generally believe that dharma was revealed in the Vedas although a more common word there for ‘universal law’ or ‘righteousness’ is rita. Dharma is the power that maintains society, it makes the grass grow, the sun shine, and makes us moral people or rather gives humans the opportunity to act virtuously.

What are religious texts used for?

Religious texts also serve a ceremonial and liturgical role, particularly in relation to sacred time, the liturgical year, the divine efficacy and subsequent holy service; in a more general sense, its performance.

What do you call the oldest Indian sacred texts?

the Vedas
Composed in Vedic Sanskrit hymns, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. Hindus consider the Vedas to be apauruṣeya, which means “not of a man, superhuman” and “impersonal, authorless”.

Does Christianity have any sacred texts?

What are the sacred texts of Christianity? The sacred text of Christianity is the Holy Bible. The Christian Bible has two parts: the Old Testament which is essentially the Hebrew scriptures of Jesus’ time; and the New Testament which contains writings about Jesus Christ and about the early church.

Why are sacred texts important in Christianity?

Some sacred texts form the cornerstone of a religion, instilling law, character and spirituality in its people; some are narratives of historical figures in the faith. A text might be viewed as the unchanging “Word of God;” other texts are revised and expanded by later generations.

Which of the following is not a religious text?

Complete answer: Sangam texts or Sangam literature is not a religious text. The Sangam literature is a collection of poems and texts composed by Tamil poets in the Sangam Age.

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