
What caused the fire in the church in the outsiders?

What caused the fire in the church in the outsiders?

The church fire happens in chapter 5 when one of the cigarettes that Ponyboy and Johnny leave in the church catches fire. The problem is that children on a school trip have gone to explore the church and end up trapped inside the burning building.

What was the most likely cause of the church fire the outsiders?

Why did Ponyboy and Johnny go into the burning church? To save children who were stuck inside because they felt guilty that the fire was most likely caused due to them.

What happened to the church in the outsiders?

In The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, the old, abandoned church on top of Jay Mountain is the place that Johnny and Ponyboy (both members of the Greasers gang) go to run away. Here, they hide out and gain perspective after Johnny kills Bob, who is part of the Socs (the Greasers’ rival gang), in self-defense.

Who burned the church in the outsiders?

They hear faint yelling from inside, and it is at this time that Ponyboy and Johnny go into the burning church to save the children. Dally soon follows them.

Who kills Dally?

The policemen
The policemen kill Dally. After Johnny dies in the hospital, Dally is so upset, he runs away from Ponyboy and robs a grocery store. The police chase him to the empty lot where the greasers hang out. There, Dally takes out his unloaded gun and threatens the police, who shoot him in self-defense.

Did Ponyboy faint when Johnny died?

In Chapter 9, Johnny dies. A little later, after Dally is shot dead by the police, Ponyboy faints. He faints because of the extraordinary amount of emotional and physical trauma to which he has been subjected in a brief period of time. His friends are dead, and he carries wounds from the rumble.

Why did Ponyboy and Johnny stop going to church?

He stopped going to church because Soda, Steve and Two Bit embarassed him by cracking jokes the entire time.

Did sodapop get Sandy pregnant?

History. Sodapop told Ponyboy he was sure he was going to marry Sandy. However, when she got pregnant, she left to go live with her grandmother in Florida. She is mentioned once in the film, but Sodapop never says she moved or got pregnant.

Did Dally die a hero?

Dally didn’t die a hero. He died violent and young and desperate, just like we all knew he’d die someday.

What caused Ponyboy to pass out after Dally died?

“I don’t want to sit down.” A little later, after Dally is shot dead by the police, Ponyboy faints. He faints because of the extraordinary amount of emotional and physical trauma to which he has been subjected in a brief period of time. His friends are dead, and he carries wounds from the rumble.

Why did Dally have to die?

In The Outsiders, Dally wants to die because Johnny, the only person he truly loves, has died.

Does Ponyboy go to church?

History. The church is the place where Ponyboy and Johnny hide after Johnny killed Bob. Early in the morning, Johnny goes to town to by food. He also brings a copy of “Gone in the Wind” and asks Ponyboy to read it to him.

Why did Ponyboy go to church?

Pony went to Church with his parents, and wanted to continue going to mass after their deaths. Unfortunately, when he got the gang to go with him to one of the services, they fooled around and embarrassed him.

Who is Sandy’s baby daddy?

Martin Brewer
Sandy is a former friend of Rosanna Taylor, Simon , Ruthie ,and Lucy ,While Sandy was pregnant she decided to become a christian and after the birth of her son she wanted to become a minister. She became friends with her baby’s father Martin Brewer.

Why did Sandy cheat on Sodapop?

Ponyboy thought she loved Sodapop with all her heart, but then Soda says she didn’t love him as much as he loved her, because he wanted to marry her pregnant or not, but she just left him. She’s also not committed, because she had conceived the child with someone else, cheating on Soda.

Why did Dally not die a hero?

Dally didn’t die a hero. He died violent and young and desperate, just like we all knew he’d die someday.” This shows that Dally risked everything for Johnny because he loved him. When Johnny died, Dally decided that he would die too, robbing a grocery store to get himself killed.

Does Ponyboy die?

Bob Sheldon and his goons attacked Ponyboy and Johnny one night, and Bob nearly drowned Ponyboy. The only reason Ponyboy survived the encounter was because Johnny killed Bob to protect his fellow Greaser.

Why can’t Ponyboy accept Johnny’s death?

Ponyboy can’t accept Johnny’s death because he was too young. Also because he was still in shock. Ponyboy collapses the night of the rumble because he got kicked in the head and got a concussion. Ponyboy also could have passed out from the death of Dally and the lose of blood.

Who kills himself in the outsiders?

In Chapter Ten, the Greasers get a phone call from Dally, who says that he robbed a grocery store and is being chased by the police. When the Greasers run out to meet Dally, the police surround him and he commits suicide by pulling an unloaded gun from his waistband.

Is Sandy’s baby really Martins?

Sandy Jameson is a mother of a baby boy. Sandy is a former friend of Rosanna Taylor, Simon , Ruthie ,and Lucy ,While Sandy was pregnant she decided to become a christian and after the birth of her son she wanted to become a minister. She became friends with her baby’s father Martin Brewer.

In The Outsiders, Ponyboy and Johnny are hiding in the abandoned church because Johnny killed a Soc during a fight. They hear faint yelling from inside, and it is at this time that Ponyboy and Johnny go into the burning church to save the children. Dally soon follows them.

It is just after he, Johnny, and Dally entered the burning church to rescue the children who had gone inside. Jerry, one of the adults in charge of the children, is telling Ponyboy that Dally came out all right, but that Johnny was badly burned by a falling beam. He goes on to praise the three boys for their heroics.

Why did Ponyboy faint after Dally died?

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