
What caused the Kansas Exodus?

What caused the Kansas Exodus?

KANSAS EXODUS. Because conditions in the South were so bad, with segregation, disenfranchisement and the violence and terrorism of lynching, African Americans began to leave the South. Men such as Alexander Crummell, since the 1850s, had advocated emigration to Liberia.

What was the impact of the Exoduster movement?

The Exoduster movement brought black American settlers to the Plains, while the Oklahoma Land Rush opened up land to settlers from previously protected Indian Territory.

What was the exodus of 1879 quizlet?

The Exodus of 1879 (also known as the Kansas Exodus and the Exoduster Movement) refers to the mass movement of African Americans from states along the Mississippi River to Kansas in the late nineteenth century, and was the first general migration of blacks following the Civil War.

What social condition in the South was the main reason that thousands of African Americans moved to Kansas?

Difficult economic times and political pressures forced thousands of poor blacks to leave the South. The largest migration of African Americans to Kansas occurred in 1879 with the exoduster movement. They were often dependent upon relief organizations such as the Kansas Freedman’s Relief Association.

Why did they call themselves the Exodusters?

These people were called Exodusters. The name comes from the exodus from Egypt during Biblical times. Most Exodusters arrived by steamboats landing in the river cities of Wyandotte, Atchison, and Kansas City. They had often traveled through areas riddled by Yellow Fever.

Who led the Exoduster movement?

Benjamin Singleton
The Exoduster Movement, beginning in 1877, was the first grass-roots movement out of the South, during which, between 40,000 and 70,000 former slaves departed the South, primarily for Kansas. Benjamin Singleton was the official leader of the Exoduster Movement.

Why did the exodusters move west?

Singleton, a former slave from Tennessee who had escaped to the north, returned to Tennessee after the Civil War with the dream of helping his fellow former slaves to improve their lives. Singleton encouraged his people to move to Kansas where they would be able to purchase land and establish a better life.

What was an Exoduster quizlet?

Exodusters. Exodusters was a name given to African Americans who migrated from states along the Mississippi River to Kansas in the late nineteenth century, as part of the Exoduster Movement or Exodus of 1879. It was the first general migration of blacks following the Civil War.

What was the prime reason the exodusters left the South?


Refugees on Levee, 1879
Date 1879
Cause Disenfranchisement after the Reconstruction Era Jim Crow economy Mass racial violence in the United States
Participants Government of the United States African Americans
Outcome 98,000 sign emigration papers Around 26,000 African Americans arrive in Kansas

Where did Benjamin Singleton encourage former slaves to go for independence?

A former slave from Tennessee who escaped to freedom in Ontario, Canada in 1846, he soon returned to the United States, settling for a period in Detroit, Michigan.

Why did some African Americans prefer all black schools with black teachers to attending integrated public schools?

Black women worked outside the home and contributed to the family income. Why did some African Americans prefer all-black schools with black teachers to attending integrated public schools? To showcase black economic progress since emancipation.

How successful was the Exoduster movement?

The most successful of the Exodusters were those who moved to urban centers and found work as domestic or trade workers. Almost all of the Exodusters who attempted to homestead in the countryside settled in the Kansas uplands, which presented the most formidable obstacles to small-scale farmers.

What was the main reason exodusters left the South?

Beginning in the mid-1870s, as Northern support for Radical Reconstruction retreated, thousands of African Americans chose to leave the South in the hope of finding equality on the western frontier.

Why did exodusters leave the South?

All US citizens, including women, African Americans, freed slaves, and immigrants, were eligible to apply to the federal government for a “homestead,” or 160-acre plot of land. The exodusters were African American migrants who left the South after the Civil War to settle in the states of Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma.

What was the grandfather clause quizlet?

What was a grandfather clause? the grandfather clause was a law that said anyone whose grandfather could vote could vote then. they went to great lengths to make sure that African Americans could not exercise their right to vote. You just studied 16 terms!

Who were the exodusters and what did they do?

Exodusters was a name given to African Americans who migrated from states along the Mississippi River to Kansas in the late nineteenth century, as part of the Exoduster Movement or Exodus of 1879. It was the first general migration of black people following the Civil War.

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