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What did ancient Greece and Rome have in common?

What did ancient Greece and Rome have in common?

Both Greece and Rome were peninsulas. They both had plenty of mountains, they were both surrounded by sea(s) on three sides, and they both had a Mediterranean climate. Both Greece and Rome are Mediterranean countries, similar enough latitudinally for both to grow wine and olives.

How were Greek and Roman empires similar?

One of the most significant similarities of the Greek and Roman civilizations was their geographical locations. Both of these civilizations lived on islands of the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea and the Black sea were both used as a trading post for both of the civilizations.

How would you characterize religion in ancient Greece and Rome?

The religions of both the ancient Greeks and Romans were polytheistic (with many gods), but centered on a finite and homogenous group of deities who were worshipped through prayer, animal sacrifice, and festivals. Gods were anthropomorphic (in human form) and powerful but not eternal or all-powerful.

Why did Greeks stop believing in the gods?

Because they believed too much. The ancient Greeks were polytheistic, which means not only that they believed in many gods, they believed in all the gods. In those times that was true of most cultures. The Romans actually considered Jews and Christians to be atheists.

Did ancient Greece and Rome exist at the same time?

Yes, and for several hundred years. Rome is said to have been founded in 753 BC, at the same time Greece was organizing its poleis and undergoing the theoretical hoplite revolution. This was, essentially, the time period in which Ancient Greece took on it’s unique character. The Roman Republic was dated to 509 BC.

Did Greece and Rome coexist?

Originally Answered: Did Greece and Rome coexist? Strictly speaking, one would have to say no. The great Greek empires had broken up by the time the Roman empire arose. However, both civilizations were certainly contemporary and aware of one another, and even neighbors via the Greek colonies in southern Italy.

Why were the gods so important to ancient Greek?

The Ancient Greeks believed in many different gods and goddesses. The Greeks believed that these gods and goddesses controlled everything in their lives and the environment. There was a god for every aspect of their lives. It was important to please the gods; happy gods helped you, but unhappy gods punished you.

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