
What do we learn from Jesus feeding the 5000?

What do we learn from Jesus feeding the 5000?

God Can Do More with Less! Our human nature is to always think we need more to do more but the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 shows us that God can do so much with so little! And no matter how small or insignificant you may feel in this world, God wants to do big things through you if you will let Him lead you!

What is the meaning of the feeding of the five thousand?

a situation in which you have to provide food for a lot of people. Synonyms and related words. To provide food or accommodation. accommodate.

What was Jesus mission?

The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.

When did Jesus feed the 5000?

The earliest evidence of Christian worship in Tabgha dates to the mid-fourth century but the mosaics that refer to the feeding of the five thousand come from around 480 A.D.

What can we learn from Jesus?

Whether you are a Christian or not, here are 21 life lessons you can learn from Jesus:

  • Be clear with what you want.
  • When you find “it,” take the leap.
  • Be forbearing and love those who criticize you.
  • Always go beyond what is required.
  • Keep your promises and be careful with what you say.

How many times did Jesus feed a crowd?

Two times. Jesus fed the masses with loaves of bread and fishes on two occasions. The first was five loaves of bread and two fishes to five thousand men. The second was seven loaves and small fishes to four thousand men.

What is the key message of the Bible?

The main message of the Bible is that God is restoring the world to His original design through Jesus Christ. The world is in a state of brokenness because of mankind’s rejection of God and His plan. Jesus entered into a broken and hurting world to die on the cross to restore mankind to God.

What does fish symbolize in Christianity?

The fish is also used by Jesus to describe “the Sign of Jonah”. ( Matthew 12:38-45) This is symbolic of Jesus’s resurrection, upon which the entire Christian faith is based. (

What was Jesus’s mission?

What is the spiritual meaning of fish?

Fish represents the unconscious of higher-self, feelings, and motives. It is also a metaphor for deeper awareness and the intelligence and thought process. Since water brings life, all the creatures living beneath its surface will symbolize fertility, birth, and rebirth.

What is Jesus’s main message?

He is believed to be the Jewish messiah who is prophesied in the Hebrew Bible, which is called the Old Testament in Christianity. It is believed that through his Crucifixion and subsequent Resurrection, God offered humans salvation and eternal life, that Jesus died to atone for sin to make humanity right with God.

What is Jesus’s true name?

Jesus’ name in Hebrew was “Yeshua” which translates to English as Joshua.

Who all walked on water in the Bible?

28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee upon the waters. 29 And he said, Come. And Peter went down from the boat, and walked upon the waters to come to Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me.

What can we learn from Jesus feeding the 5, 000?

What lessons can we learn from Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000? In all four of the Gospels, Jesus is recorded performing a great miracle for His followers—usually known as the feeding of the 5,000 ( Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:30–44; Luke 9:10–17; John 6:1–14 ). A large crowd began following Jesus as He traveled and healed the sick.

What did Jesus do with the 5, 000 people?

In all four of the Gospels, Jesus is recorded performing a great miracle for His followers—usually known as the feeding of the 5,000 (Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:30–44; Luke 9:10–17; John 6:1–14). A large crowd began following Jesus as He traveled and healed the sick.

How many people did Jesus feed in the Bible?

4. Jesus Feeds 5,000 People (Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-15) | Bible.org 4. Jesus Feeds 5,000 People (Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-15) Main Point: All things are possible with God. All things are possible with God. – Mark 10:27 b

Why did Jesus feed 5000 people in the wilderness?

Jesus is the true Good Shepherd of God. The Promised Messiah: The feeding of 5000—providing bread for Israel in the wilderness—is reminiscent of God’s supernatural feeding of the Israelites with manna in the wilderness in the days of Moses. Jewish tradition had come to expect the Messiah to repeat this miracle of provision.

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