
What does Alexander do with the wealthy he acquired?

What does Alexander do with the wealthy he acquired?

What did Alexander do with the massive wealth he acquired from his victories? How did this make him popular among his soldiers? He gave his land and money to his soldiers. He build Alexandria and he intends to colonize to the east and builds 10 cities.

What was the military goal that Alexander inherit from his father?

What was the military goal that Alexander inherited from his father, Philip of Macedon? Philip of Macedon, Alexander’s father, instilled in his son the will to avenge his country’s honor and punish Persia for its attacks on Greece 150 years earlier, by reclaiming the land for Greece.

Did Alexander the Great conquer Athens?

Alexander was the son of King Philip II of Macedonia, a realm north of Greece. When Athens was left unstable by the interminable Peloponnesian War, Philip saw an opening and took it; he subdued Greece around 339 B.C.

What did Alexander encourage in his empire?

Alexander had encouraged a blending of eastern and western cultures when he had married a persian woman and urged his soldiers to follow his example. From egypt to the borders of india, they built greek temples, filled them with greek statues, and held athletic contests as they had in greece.

What was Alexander’s biggest advantage in his conquests?

His enemy, the Persians, ruled a huge and unified empire with vast networks of roads linking its cities and far-flung provinces. Ironically, it was the unity of his opponents that became Alexander’s greatest administrative advantage in conquering them.

What made Alexander so great?

Alexander was a visionary, said Abernethy. His ability to dream, plan and strategize on a large scale allowed him to win many battles, even when he was outnumbered. It also helped motivate his men, who knew they were part of one of the greatest conquests in history.

Did Alexander the Great invade Athens?

Prince Alexander and Athens For the most part, however, young Alexander viewed Greece as part of his father’s empire, joining Philip in 338 BC as he conquered Greece. The Athenians proved Philip’s greatest obstacle in combat, though they, too, were utterly defeated in the end.

Was Alexander the Great involved in the Trojan War?

In 334 BC Alexander crossed the Hellespont, the narrow strait separating Europe and Asia, and went first to Troy. There he dedicated his armour to Athena and laid a wreath at the tomb of Achilles, the legendary hero and champion of the Greeks in the Trojan War.

Alexander the Great’s legacy is both far reaching and profound. First, his father was able to unite the Greek city-states, and Alexander destroyed the Persian Empire forever. More importantly, Alexander’s conquests spread Greek culture, also known as Hellenism, across his empire.

Did Alexander ever lose a battle?

In 15 years of conquest Alexander never lost a battle. After securing his kingdom in Greece, in 334 B.C. Alexander crossed into Asia (present-day Turkey) where he won a series of battles with the Persians under Darius III.

Is Sikander and Alexander same?

Alexander is also known in the Zoroastrian Middle Persian work Arda Wiraz Nāmag as “the accursed Alexander” due to his conquest of the Persian Empire and the destruction of its capital Persepolis. He is known as Sikandar in Urdu and Hindi, a term also used as a synonym for “expert” or “extremely skilled”.

Why did Alexander the Great refuse to make peace with Athens?

When the Athenian Assembly sent envoys with offers of peace, Alexander refused to meet with them, replyig that he would only grant Athens peace if they turned over Demosthenes and the others who had most strongly urged rebellion.

Why was Alexander the Great important to Greece?

Whether Alexander the Great was Greek or just loved things Greek is not important. What is important is that he spread Greek ideas throughout the world in what is known as the Hellenistic Period and was perhaps the most important single person in western civilization with the possible exception of Jesus Christ.

What was the relationship between Alexander the Great and Phocion?

But Phocion had won his respect, and Athens remained a favored part of Alexander’s empire for the remainder of his rule. There is one final element to Alexander’s relationship with Athens.

What did Alexander the Great learn from Homer?

From this tutelage he gained a passion for Homer, and in particular the Iliad, as well as some appreciation for Athens as a center of learning. For the most part, however, young Alexander viewed Greece as part of his father’s empire, joining Philip in 338 BC as he conquered Greece.

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