
What does the Bible say about Jesus drinking wine?

What does the Bible say about Jesus drinking wine?

Jesus was not a Nazarite. Luke 18:37 tells us that Jesus was a Nazarene, a native of the town of Nazareth. Scripture never tells Bible readers that Jesus took the Nazarite vow. So did Jesus actually drink alcohol? And is it wrong for Christians today to have wine or other alcoholic drinks? Let’s take a look at Scripture.

What kind of wine did Jesus drink at Cana?

Jesus was not a Nazirite; He was a “Nazarene,” a native of the town of Nazareth ( Luke 18:37 ). Jesus never took the Nazirite vow. Christ’s first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana almost certainly involved a fermented beverage.

Why did Jesus drink sour wine without gall?

The fact that He drank the latter “sour wine” – the one without gall – may have had more to do with hyssop, the plant on which it was offered, than the sour wine itself. The usage of this plant is mentioned ten other times in the Bible (Exodus 12:22, Leviticus 14:4, 6, 49, 51, 52, Numbers 19:6, 18, Psalm 51:7 and Hebrews 9:19).

Why did Jesus not drink wine at the Last Supper?

Moreover, non-Jews living amongst the Israelites could not partake of Passover unless they were first circumcised. Circumcision is the sign and seal of the Abrahamic covenant, showing that one is in a covenant relationship with the God of the Bible, JEHOVAH (Genesis 17:12-13). Clearly, Communion is not to be taken by sinners.

Jesus was not a Nazarite. Luke 18:37 tells us that Jesus was a Nazarene, a native of the town of Nazareth. Scripture never tells Bible readers that Jesus took the Nazarite vow. So did Jesus actually drink alcohol? And is it wrong for Christians today to have wine or other alcoholic drinks? Let’s take a look at Scripture.

Jesus was not a Nazirite; He was a “Nazarene,” a native of the town of Nazareth ( Luke 18:37 ). Jesus never took the Nazirite vow. Christ’s first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana almost certainly involved a fermented beverage.

Why did Jesus turn water into wine at the Last Supper?

Later, Jesus shows up at a wedding with his disciples. During the reception, the wedding party runs out of wine and Jesus performs his first miracle, turning water into wine and saving the newlyweds from an epic faux pas. And toward the end of his life, Jesus uses wine at the last supper as a symbol of his blood.

Why did Jesus make wine before the Passover?

The reference to Jesus’s wine as “good wine” indicates that Jesus made fresh grape juice before the first harvest. Therefore, Jesus’s producing of fresh grape juice would have been an evident miraculous wonder of God. Good wine was limited late in winter and just before Passover when wine had aged throughout the year (John 2:13).

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What does the Bible say about Jesus drinking wine?

What does the Bible say about Jesus drinking wine?

Luke 7 indicates that Jesus drank alcohol at times. While John the Baptist did not drink wine, it is implied that Jesus did drink wine, for the religious leaders of the day accused Him of being a drunkard.

What does the Bible say about not drinking alcohol?

In Scripture, only one group of people are told never to drink alcohol, the Nazarites (Numbers 6:1-4). Jesus was not a Nazarite. Luke 18:37 tells us that Jesus was a Nazarene, a native of the town of Nazareth. Scripture never tells Bible readers that Jesus took the Nazarite vow.

What kind of wine did Jesus drink before the Passover?

The making of new wine magnifies Jesus’s sign, because this was just before the Passover and before the first harvest of grapes. The reference to Jesus’s wine as “good wine” indicates that Jesus made fresh grape juice before the first harvest.

Is it a sin for Christians to drink alcohol?

Scripture does not forbid the people of God from drinking beer, wine, or any other drink containing alcohol. Alcohol is not itself tainted by sin. Drunkenness and enslavement to alcohol are sinful, which is why Christians must refrain from drinking alcohol in excess ( 1 Corinthians 6:2; Ephesians 5:18 ).

What kind of wine did Jesus drink at Cana?

Jesus was not a Nazirite; He was a “Nazarene,” a native of the town of Nazareth ( Luke 18:37 ). Jesus never took the Nazirite vow. Christ’s first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana almost certainly involved a fermented beverage.

What did Jesus drink at the last Passover?

Did Jesus and his disciples, at his last Passover, drink JUICE? Some teach that what is referred to as wine in the Bible is actually grape juice that is unfermented. Clearly, Noah or Lot did not get intoxicated on unfermented drink (Genesis 9:21, 19:32 – 35).

Where did Jesus change the water into wine?

Question: “Did Jesus change the water into wine or grape juice?”. Answer: John chapter 2 records Jesus performing a miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. At the wedding, the hosts ran out of wine.

Jesus was not a Nazarite. Luke 18:37 tells us that Jesus was a Nazarene, a native of the town of Nazareth. Scripture never tells Bible readers that Jesus took the Nazarite vow. So did Jesus actually drink alcohol? And is it wrong for Christians today to have wine or other alcoholic drinks? Let’s take a look at Scripture.

Is it true that Jesus made 120 gallons of wine?

We have seen in the above scriptures that the wine Jesus made was not fermented. It was fresh grape juice, which is also referred to as wine (OINOS). To say that Jesus made 120 gallons of fermented wine is blasphemy.

How many references are there to wine in the Bible?

There are approximately 256 references to wine written in the contents of the Good Book. From these references, readers learn that wine was made from grapes, figs, dates and pomegranates.

What was the best wine in the New Testament?

We noted in Chapter 4 that in the Roman world of New Testament times, the best wines were those whose alcoholic potency had been removed by boiling or filtration.

Is it true that Jesus drank beer at Passover?

A Christian, or other admirer of Jesus, who concluded that He DID drink beer honors His essential humanity, and the theological truth that He was like us in every way except for our sinfulness. Here are the facts as best I have been able to determine. Wine was in widespread use, and used ceremonially, for example during the passover feast.

Why was it important for Jesus to not drink beer?

A Christian, or other admirer of Jesus, who concludes that He DID NOT drink beer honors His call to good living, and to avoid things that can lead to misbehavior and/or health problems. A Christian, or other admirer of Jesus, who concluded that He DID drink beer honors His essential humanity,…

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