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What does Vedas say about eating beef?

What does Vedas say about eating beef?

Cows in ancient Indian history In the time of the oldest Hindu sacred text, the Rig Veda (c. 2.21) forbids the eating of either cow or bull, a revered ancient Hindu sage named Yajnavalkya immediately contradicts it, saying that, nevertheless, he eats the meat of both cow and bull, “as long as it’s tender.”

Why did Brahmins stop eating meat?

Why then did the Brahmins give up meat-eating and become vegetarians? It was because they did not want to put themselves merely on the same footing in the eyes of the public as the Buddhist Bhikshus. The giving up of the Yajna system and abandonment of the sacrifice of the cow could have had only a limited effect.

Is it true that Hindus don’t eat beef?

Through authentic evidence it has become crystal clear that the Hindu religion in origin does not prohibit eating beef or meat; rather slaughtering animals was a common practice in ancient India. However, the later Hindus denied slaughtering animals, especially cows.

Why do Hindus not eat cow or goat?

Leaving behind beef, the meat of goat is recommended to intake though Hinduism does not allow killing other life forms for the sake of food. Cow being the sacred animal is alone prevented from slaughtering but goat and hen are subjected to kill off. Goddesses and Gods do accept meat of hen and goat as an offering, according to Hindus’ beliefs.

What kind of meat do Hindu people eat?

Most Hindus would not consume meat of animals closely related to the cow, such as buffalos. Killing cows is forbidden in Hinduism and has even historically sparked riots in India. However, some Hindu cultures in Nepal do sacrifice buffalos and consume their meat.

Why do Hindus not eat buffalo in Nepal?

However, some Hindu cultures in Nepal do sacrifice buffalos and consume their meat. Most Hindu people in India would even strongly reject the idea of the consumption of the meat of the buffalo. The practice of eating or not eating beef among Hindus may have more to do with the established culture of the region.

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