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What does Yeah maybe mean from a girl?

What does Yeah maybe mean from a girl?

It means she’s not really interested in meeting you again. If you see her in the future, talk to her more, and maybe make a few jokes or something. Tell makes a bit about your life (the fun stuff not the sad stuff), and ask questions about her.

What does it mean when a girl responds with sure?

She is just being polite. She is not really into you personally on a romantic level, so do the smart thing and move on to find someone who is really and truly into you. “Sure” is like “ok” or “whatever”.

Why is sure rude?

Usually it means the person didn’t understand the question and instead of asking for clarity or for the question to be repeated they would say “sure”. This is why it could be considered rude because the person is discounting what was said and doesn’t take the time to ask that what they missed be repeated.

What does Yeah maybe mean from a girl? Answered 2 years ago. It means she’s not really interested in meeting you again. If you see her in the future, talk to her more, and maybe make a few jokes or something.

What does it mean when a girl texts maybe?

“Maybe” means “no.” It’s a “no” that might possibly change to a “yes” in the future, but right now it’s “no.” “I would love to, but…” means “no.”

What does a yeah maybe mean?

It means “maybe”. It is not a “yes” and it is not a “no”. It is a “maybe”. “Maybe” answers are basically fence-sitting answers. Some people do it because they don’t know how to say no, even if they want to.

How do you reply to a maybe text?

If someone says “maybe”, then respect them, and leave it at that. If they’re open to discussion about why they’re unable to give you a definite answer, then gently pursue it. Otherwise, don’t press.

Why does a girl say Maybe when you ask her out?

If you’ve asked her out and she’s said maybe you are simply giving her too much power over the decision. She doesn’t necessarily want to be put in the position of having to make a decision. She dreams of feeling so much attraction for a guy and having such strong feelings for him that she is desperate to be with him, not the other way around.

What does it mean when a girl doesn’t text back?

If she texts you back when it’s unnecessary, she wants to keep the conversation alive. Any part on her to keep the conversation alive, especially the longer it goes on, is an obvious indication that she enjoys talking / flirting with you. If she doesn’t text back at all after several days, that’s a big bad sign. Women don’t typically do that.

What does it mean when a girl sends you Pictures?

If the girl you like is sending you pictures, that’s a great sign. Usually, she’ll either send you a picture of something she thinks is cool or funny (like a funny license place or a cute dog) or she’ll send you pictures of herself.

What does it mean when a girl texts you after a breakup?

If she sends you a nice text after you have had a breakup with someone else, consider this a sign of careful interest. She’s on top of what’s going on, but she doesn’t want to be a jerk and swoop in on you. Instead, she’s checking in on you to see how you’re doing and see if she can do something about it.

If you’ve asked her out and she’s said maybe you are simply giving her too much power over the decision. She doesn’t necessarily want to be put in the position of having to make a decision. She dreams of feeling so much attraction for a guy and having such strong feelings for him that she is desperate to be with him, not the other way around.

What does it mean when a girl gives you mixed signals?

You know what mixed signals are: one moment, she’s flirty and warm with you, and you get excited, thinking you’re getting somewhere with her. The next moment, she’s cool and aloof – and you’re really not sure what happened.

What does it mean when a girl says maybe?

With a “maybe” you just don’t know where you stand with her, nor do you know what to do next. There is nothing a guy hates more than being left uncertain about whether he’s got the girl or not. And there’s also the social consequences of having to tell your friends, “I asked a girl out and she said maybe?”

What does it mean when a woman says yes?

In my experience, from observing many female friends over the decades, a woman pretty much knows when she means “yes”. She doesn’t have to think about it very long. If she does, she will, statistically speaking, never move to “yes”.

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