
What ijtihad means?

What ijtihad means?

mental effort
Ijtihad (Arabic: اجتهاد‎ ijtihād, [ʔidʒ. tihaːd]; lit. physical or mental effort, expended in a particular activity) is an Islamic legal term referring to independent reasoning or the thorough exertion of a jurist’s mental faculty in finding a solution to a legal question.

Why do we need ijtihad?

Scholars considered the time, place norms and prevailing conditions while rendering their religious advice and opinions. Ijtihad enabled muslims to be flexible and to learn from other cultures and civilizations. Without the process of ijtihad, a faithful muslim will find himself in a dilemma.

Why do we need Ijma?

The Sunni jurists agree that ijma is the third source of Islamic law after the Quran and the Sunna of the Prophet. Consequently, it is necessary to determine the form which the concept of ijma, should take in modern times in order to answer and solve the current problem which confront Muslim society.

What is meant by Ijma?

Ijmāʿ, (Arabic: “consensus”) in Islamic law, the universal and infallible agreement of either the Muslim community as a whole or Muslim scholars in particular. In Muslim history, ijmāʿ has always referred to consensuses reached in the past, near or remote, and never to contemporaneous agreement.

What is meant by ijma?

How many types of ijtihad are there?

Since ijtihad occurs in a various forms such as Quran, Sunnah, qiyas, istihsan, maslahah, custom (urf), etc, each of this is regulated by its own rules.

Why do we need ijma?

What are the types of Ijma?


  • Ijazah.
  • Ijma.
  • Ijtihad.
  • Ikhtilaf.
  • Istihlal.
  • Istihsan.
  • Istishab.
  • Madhhab.

What are the types of Wahi?

1 Wahee-e-Matlu: It means the revelation which God has transmitted in His own words and speech, for example the Quran.

  • 2 Wahee-e-Ghair Matlu: It is the revelation which Allah projected in the heart of the Holy Prophet.

    What are the kinds of ijma?

    What ijma means?

    Ijmāʿ, (Arabic: “consensus”) in Islamic law, the universal and infallible agreement of either the Muslim community as a whole or Muslim scholars in particular.

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