
What is consternation mean in English?

What is consternation mean in English?

: amazement or dismay that hinders or throws into confusion the two …

Can you be filled with consternation?

a feeling of worry, shock, or confusion: The prospect of so much work filled him with consternation.

What is the synonym of consternation?

synonyms for consternation

  • alarm.
  • anxiety.
  • bewilderment.
  • confusion.
  • dread.
  • fright.
  • terror.
  • trepidation.

Who is known as father of consternation?

In September 1915, shortly after his 90th birthday, Naoroji caused consternation among Bombay moderates by accepting the presidency of Annie Besant’s new Home Rule League. Writing in Hind Swaraj, Gandhi declared Naoroji to be both “the author of nationalism” and “the Father of the Nation”.

What is an example of consternation?

The definition of consternation means fear that makes you feel helpless. An example of consternation is what your neighbors might have if you get several large barking dogs. A feeling of confusion, helplessness, shock, or dismay.

What is a look of consternation?

Tips: You have probably heard the phrases, “look of consternation” or “feelings of consternation.” If someone has the look of consternation, the person looks confused, shocked, concerned, and potentially scared.

What does consternation look like?

Consternation is a noun that can stop you in your tracks because it means “a sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay.” If you have a sense of consternation you have become afraid, disoriented, or completely befuddled.

What is the root word of consternation?

If you have a sense of consternation you have become afraid, disoriented, or completely befuddled. It comes from the Latin roots con- and -sternare, which means “spread out.” Picture all of your thoughts strewn about, nothing makes sense and you might experience a state of consternation.

What is the best antonym for Attract?

antonyms for attract

  • prevent.
  • deter.
  • release.
  • dissuade.
  • disgust.
  • shun.
  • refuse.
  • reject.

Is consternation a real word?

consternation Add to list Share. Consternation is a noun that can stop you in your tracks because it means “a sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay.”

What does ignominiously mean?

1 : humiliating, degrading an ignominious defeat. 2 : deserving of shame or infamy : despicable. 3 : marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame : dishonorable.

What is a consternation sentence?

Consternation Sentence Examples There was consternation among some customers who have encountered a variety of glitches. The decision caused consternation by the majority of voters. She leaned forward in sudden consternation. It created consternation for many members.

What is the definition of trepidation?

1 : a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation : apprehension trepidation about starting a new job. 2 archaic : a tremulous motion : tremor.

What is the best synonym for attractive?


  • alluring,
  • appealing,
  • bewitching,
  • captivating,
  • charismatic,
  • charming,
  • elfin,
  • enchanting,

What is another word for attractive?

What is another word for attractive?

charming fetching
captivating stunning
alluring fair
prepossessing appealing
beguiling bewitching

Can a person be ignominious?

Ignominy is a noun meaning great public shame, disgrace, or embarrassment, or a situation or event that causes this. The shame can be major or minor: someone can suffer the ignominy of defeat or the ignominies of old age.

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