
What is hate with example?

What is hate with example?

The definition of hate is a feeling of intense dislike or aversion. An example of hate is what you feel towards someone who has just robbed you and destroyed your house. noun. 1. To feel strong dislike for or hostility toward.

What does hate stand for in a good way?

HATE — Have A Tension Extra. HATE — He Ate The Elves. HATE — Hitler and the End. HATE — Half Ass Template Engineering.

Which is the best dictionary definition of hate?

English Language Learners Definition of hate (Entry 2 of 2) : to dislike (someone) very strongly : to feel hate for (someone) : to dislike (something) very strongly : to find (something) very unpleasant. —used to apologize for doing something or to express regret or guilt —often followed by to + verb.

Which is the best definition of the word hat?

verb (used with object), hat·ed, hat·ing. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry. to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.

Do you hate someone or something very much?

to dislike someone or something very much: Kelly hates her teacher. She hated the cold, dark days of winter. I hate it when you do that.

What does hate stand for in a song?

An enduring attitude or sentiment toward persons or objects manifested by anger, aversion and desire for the misfortune of others. Song lyrics by hate — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by hate on the website. What does HATE stand for?

What is the true meaning of hate?

The definition of hate is a feeling of intense dislike or aversion. An example of hate is what you feel towards someone who has just robbed you and destroyed your house.

What does hate do to a person?

Hate not only consumes a person… it affects their health… their sleep…their relationships and hurts the person. It does nothing to the one that is being hated. They are oblivious while the one hating is having bad nights dreaming of all the things they would like to see happen to the other person.

What are some words that mean hate?

  • Like a misanthrope.
  • A hatred or contempt for mankind in general.
  • Avoiding the company of others; solitary.

    What are some synonyms for hate or hates?

    • Definitions of “Hates” as a verb. Dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards.
    • Synonyms of “Hates” as a verb (1 Word) Dislike intensely. She really did detest his mockery.
    • Usage Examples of “Hates” as a verb. I hate Mexican food. Find repugnant. He abhorred sexism in every form. A feeling of revulsion; disgusted loathing.

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