
What is the function and use of Hindu temples?

What is the function and use of Hindu temples?

A Hindu temple can be a simple structure by the side of the road or a large complex including many buildings. Temples serve as dwelling places for deities, surrounded by markets selling offerings and flowers. The inner sanctuaries are small and intended for a few worshippers at a time.

How did Hindu temples differ in purpose from the Buddhist architecture?

The main differences in the architecture of Buddhism and Hinduism can be found in their religious temples. The Buddhism temples of worship or stupas are used to honor Buddha and for meditation of people. The Hindu temples are also usually decorated while the Buddhist ones aren’t and instead used to store holy items.

Why do we need temples?

A temple is the place where a devotee tries to remain free from the perception of evil of birth, death old age, disease and entanglement with children, wife, home and the rest of the world. The main motive is to do worship and every other thing becomes unimportant.

As the race progressed, temples became important because they served as a sacred meeting place for the community to congregate and revitalize their spiritual energies. Large temples were usually built at picturesque places, especially on river banks, on top of hills, and on the seashore.

What role does sculpture play in Hindu temples?

Hindu Sculpture. Hindu sculpture represents the themes of its religion through its depiction of deities and recurring symbols, such as the lotus flower.

What happens inside a Hindu temple?

They may then walk around the shrine while singing, chanting or praying. They may also present an offering, such as fruit, milk or money. The purpose of worship in the mandir is to ‘have darshan ‘ of (or see) the gods and goddesses. Prayers and hymns (such as bhajans) help the devotee to experience the divine presence.

What happens when you become part of a Hindu temple?

Once you become part of a Hindu temple or organization, you will be expected to participate in puja, or ritual worship. Puja ceremonies are most often composed of many different symbolic actions, such as cleansing idols representing Hindu deities, making offerings and recitation of spiritual scriptures.

What are the different types of Hindu temples?

Hindu temples come in many styles, are situated in diverse locations, deploy different construction methods and are adapted to different deities and regional beliefs, yet almost all of them share certain core ideas, symbolism and themes.

What was the role of temples in the Vedic period?

Hindu temples also do not play a crucial role in marriages and funerals, but it is often the meeting place for religious discourses as well as ‘bhajans’ and ‘kirtans’ (devotional songs and chants). In the Vedic period, there were no temples.

Where is the most common place of worship in Hinduism?

The general term used to describe Hindu worship is puja—the most common forms of worship taking place in the home at the family shrine and at the local temple.

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