
What is the importance of words?

What is the importance of words?

Words can inspire. The words you write or speak to others can leave a huge impact and create a lasting memory–either good or bad–so it’s super important to choose them wisely. Words can make or break a relationship and your choice of words and the way you express yourself can accelerate or kill your career.

What words can do to a person?

Words can build up or tear down. They can motivate or discourage. Words influence others and build relationships at work and personally. They can tear down relationships.

What power does words have?

“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.”

How words can hurt?

New research shows that the brain’s pain matrix gets activated by pain-related words. When people hear or read words such as “plaguing,” “tormenting” and “grueling,” the section of the brain that retains memories of painful experiences is triggered.

What does Jesus say about our words?

Our words are stones. We are nothing but stone throwers with each word we speak. If our words contain beauty people treasure them. If our words contain pain people toss them aside, but not until after they have had to deal with the wound they caused.

What is the word of God?

Jesus Christ not only gives God’s Word to us humans; he is the Word. The Logos is God, begotten and therefore distinguishable from the Father, but, being God, of the same substance (essence). This was decreed at the First Council of Constantinople (381).

What are gracious words?

Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. Proverbs 16:24, ESV. I used to think I was a patient person. Then I had children of my own and discovered that it is easy to be patient when you are well-rested and stress-free.

Do our words have power?

Words have power. Their meaning crystallizes perceptions that shape our beliefs, drive our behavior, and ultimately, create our world. Their power arises from our emotional responses when we read, speak, or hear them.

How do words affect the brain?

Positive words, such as “peace” and “love,” can alter the expression of genes, strengthening areas in our frontal lobes and promoting the brain’s cognitive functioning. They propel the motivational centers of the brain into action, according to the authors, and build resiliency.

Do words hurt more than actions?

The old adage “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt”, simply is not true, according to researchers. Psychologists found memories of painful emotional experiences linger far longer than those involving physical pain. They quizzed volunteers about painful events over the previous five years.

Why do words hurt me?

How to confront hurtful words. Sometimes, people simply don’t know how to communicate. They lack the appropriate tools to offer emotional intimacy, respect, and recognition. They’re the kind of people who talk without thinking and hurt others without realizing (at least most of the time).

Can words cause harm?

Since harm is based on experience, words can obviously effect experience and thus can harm. The legal system actually has a fairly sophisticated perspective here. In the context of the legal tradition, there is no question that “words” can cause legally cognizable “harm”. Defamation is the most obvious example.

What is worse physical or mental pain?

Emotional Pain but Not Physical Pain Can Damage Our Self-Esteem and Long-Term Mental Health: Physical pain has to be quite extreme to affect our personalities and damage our mental health (again, unless the circumstances are emotionally traumatic as well) but even single episodes of emotional pain can damage our …

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