
What is the purpose of reflecting?

What is the purpose of reflecting?

What is Reflecting? Reflecting is the process of paraphrasing and restating both the feelings and words of the speaker. The purposes of reflecting are: To allow the speaker to ‘hear’ their own thoughts and to focus on what they say and feel.

What does reflective essay mean?

Reflective essay is a kind of writing that requires the author to inform the reader about his or her attitude, idea or impression regarding a given topic. In this case you will be writing to describe this person and explain how he or she has affected you and how your personality changed as a result.

What is a reflective account?

Definition of ‘Reflect’: To think, meditate, or ponder’. Reflective account requests made by your placement or agency may require you to write an account following an incident or complaint.

How do you write a reflective paragraph?

A reflection paragraph is simply a shorter format for expressing your thoughts and reflections on a topic. Include a topic sentence that briefly summarizes your thoughts and feelings, then go on to clarify your topic sentence by providing more details and specific examples.

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