
What makes Christmas with his friend so memorable for Buddy in a Christmas memory?

What makes Christmas with his friend so memorable for Buddy in a Christmas memory?

In “A Christmas Memory,” what makes Christmas with his friend so memorable for Buddy? They make fruit cakes from scratch and post them to their friends, they cut their own Christmas tree and decorate it, and give each other thoughtful gifts.

What happens to Buddy’s friend in a Christmas memory?

Buddy is sent away to military school after that, and the two correspond for awhile, and every Christmas his friend sends him a fruitcake, to keep up their holiday tradition. As time passes, his friend becomes increasingly infirm with age.

Who is Buddy’s best friend in a Christmas memory?

Expert Answers The young Buddy’s best friend is an older woman called Sook, a cousin with whom he lives. He takes refuge with her and her dog Queenie, the orange and white rat terrier, in the kitchen.

Why are Buddy and his friend such good friends?

Buddy and his distant cousin share a natural bond, a natural affinity for each other. In a more normal environment it is highly unlikely that they would be friends. However, their common estrangement from a hostile adult world throws them together and provides a firm foundation for their unique friendship.

Why do Buddy and his friend make fruitcakes each year?

Buddy and his friend make fruitcakes every year to give as gifts to people. The fruitcake baking is a way for them to make and maintain connections with others outside their rather isolated existence. It is also a way for Buddy and his friend to bond with one another.

Where did Sook and Buddy keep their money?

“These moneys we keep hidden in an ancient bead purse under a loose board under the floor under a chamber pot under my friend’s bed.” Gathering enough money throughout the year is very important to Buddy and his cousin; they clearly do not want others to know what they are doing or to help out in any way.

How does Buddy cheer up his friend when she is crying after the family yells at her?

He succeeds in cheering her up by saying: “Not funny. Fun. More fun than anybody.

What item does Buddy’s cousin really want to give buddy for Christmas but she can’t afford it?

Buddy and the older cousin keep their gifts to each other a secret, and although Buddy knows that his friend desperately wishes she could afford to get him a bike, he assumes his friend has made him a kite, as she has every year. He has made her a kite, too.

How does Buddy feel in a Christmas memory?

Your question asks how Buddy feels about his relatives. It is clear that he loves and adores the relative who has become his “friend,” but he feels neither of these emotions for the other relatives. They might know best, but he does not love them best.

How old is Buddy in a Christmas memory?

seven years old

Who is the antagonist in a Christmas memory?

I would say that the antagonist in this story is the idea of growing up, or coming of age. The passage of time, things that change, all act as the force which takes the role of antagonist. The story is based on a memory of the author who is looking back, with nostaglia, at his childhood days and feeling warmed by them.

How does Queenie die a Christmas memory?

One day in the pasture, Queenie is killed when she is kicked by a horse. The cousin assures Buddy that her death was swift and that she did not suffer. After her death, Queenie is buried in the same pasture where she used to bury her bones.

What does the kite symbolize in a Christmas memory?

Also, what do the kites symbolize in a Christmas memory? The kite symbolizes the friendship between Buddy and the friend. They worked together gathering pecans for their fruitcakes, ate supper together, shared money, cried together, celebrated together, and picked out their Christmas tree together.

What is the conflict in a Christmas memory?

The main conflict is Buddy being torn away from his “friend” and the time that goes while they are apart.

What obstacles must they overcome to make their gifts a Christmas memory?

The key obstacle Buddy and Sook, his cousin, have to overcome, is their lack of money. Both are dependents in a Southern household in the 1930s. Buddy is a young child of seven. Sook is a 60-something single woman with very little experience of the world.

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