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What percentage of the UK is Muslim 2020?

What percentage of the UK is Muslim 2020?

7 per cent
The best estimate is that around 7 per cent of the UK population will be Muslim by 2020. That’s pretty fast growth, up from nearly 5 per cent in 2016, due mainly to migration and higher fertility in the Muslim population.

What percentage of London is Muslim?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. There were 1,012,823 Muslims reported in the 2011 census in the Greater London area. In the 2011 census Office for National Statistics, the proportion of Muslims in London had risen to 12.4% of the population (21% of England’s Muslims).

How many mosques are in UK?

1,825 mosques
In 2017, there were 1,825 mosques in the UK. The majority were associated with South Asian reform movements (72 per cent).

How many British convert to Islam every year?

5,000 British people
According to The Guardian, about 5,000 British people convert to Islam every year and most of them are women.

The real figure is 7 per cent. The best estimate is that around 7 per cent of the UK population will be Muslim by 2020. That’s pretty fast growth, up from nearly 5 per cent in 2016, due mainly to migration and higher fertility in the Muslim population.

How much of London is Muslim?

5.9 PERCENT OF ENGLAND IS MUSLIM 2018 figures show that London was home to nearly 1.26 million Muslims, making up 14.2 per cent of the capital’s population. 74 per cent of Londoners are listed as Christian or a-religious.

Where does the majority of Muslims live in the UK?

Islam is the second largest religion in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, with results from the United Kingdom 2011 Census giving the UK Muslim population in 2011 as 2,516,000, 4.4% of the total population. The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (5.02% of the population).

When did the Muslim population in the UK increase?

Between 2001 and 2009, the Muslim population increased almost 10 times faster than the non-Muslim population.

How many Muslims are there in the world?

We are just going to look at each country and report its current population of Muslim people to keep it simpler. There are approximately 1.9 billion Muslims globally, making Islam the second-largest religion in the world behind Christianity.

How many people have converted to Islam in the UK?

Previous estimates had placed the total number of Muslim converts in Britain at between 14,000 and 25,000. The survey revealed that nearly two thirds of the converts were women, more than 70% were white and the average age at conversion was just 27.

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