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What were the differences between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King?

What were the differences between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King?

Aims: Martin Luther King was an integrationist, whose main aim was to bring about racial equality through both races mixing and working together. However, Malcolm X was a black nationalist with a firm belief in black supremacy.

How was Malcolm X’s view on civil rights different from that of Martin Luther King Jr S quizlet?

The two men appealed to a sense of heritage, passionately exposed then-present crimes and needs,and called for action to secure the future. While Martin Luther king used nonviolence to solve problems, and in the other hand Malcolm X encouraged violence, and believe that was the right way.

How did Malcolm’s view on civil rights change throughout his life?

How did Malcolm’s views on civil rights change throughout his life? Malcolm X’s beliefs shifted to be more accepting of the opinions and help of white civil rights activists. Malcolm X’s beliefs became more driven by violence as he continued to encounter death threats for his activism.

What factors contributed to the Watts Riots of 1965 quizlet?

The riot spurred from an incident on August 11, 1965 when Marquette Frye, a young African American motorist, was pulled over and arrested by Lee W. Minikus, a white California Highway Patrolman, for suspicion of driving while intoxicated.

What factors contributed to the Watts riots 1965?

The McCone Commission identified the root causes of the riots to be high unemployment, poor schools, and related inferior living conditions that were endured by African Americans in Watts.

Which of the following best describes how the Supreme Court voted in Brown v Board of Education quizlet?

Which best describes how the Supreme Court voted in Brown v. Board of Education? The court voted to end segregation. Why did Thurgood Marshall cite the Fourteenth Amendment to argue that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional?

What factors contributed to the Watts riots of 1964?

Which best describes how the Watts riots affected the US?

The correct answer is: B) Tension and violence increased in other areas. The Watts Riot was a rebellion in 1965 due to a fight an African American had with the police that rapidly scalated into a major conflict that spanned for 5 days and resulted in 34 deaths.

Which best describes the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown?

The correct answer is D) Declared that “seperate but equal” facilities for based on race are inherently unconstitutional. The Brown vs. Board of Education case effectively overturned the “seperate but equal” doctrine established with the Plessy vs. Ferguson case.

Which best describes how the Supreme Court voted in Brown v Board of Education Brainly?

The court voted to end school segregation. Explanation: In it, the court ruled that all racial segregated public schools must end, and that the court order was to be upheld by martial law.

What started the Watts riots in 65?

The immediate cause of the disturbances was the arrest of an African American man, Marquette Frye, by a white California Highway Patrol officer on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. Although most accounts now agree that Frye resisted arrest, it remains unclear whether excessive force was used to subdue him.

What started the riots in Watts?

What was the social impact of the decision in Brown v Board?

Board of Education? It established the idea of the “separate but equal.” It ruled segregation violated the rules of the Constitution. It created laws to make separate facilities equal for all races.

Which best describes the Brown v Board of Education decision quizlet?

Which best describes how Brown v. Board of Education affected the United States? It dealt a blow to segregation in public facilities.

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