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What were the effects of the Muslim invasion of Aksum?

What were the effects of the Muslim invasion of Aksum?

The Muslim invasion transformed the empire of Aksum. They were no longer a major trading partner, lost resources, and became unknown as a power. It started with Ezana converting to Christianity and made it the official religion.

What led to the decline of the kingdom of Aksum?

Subsequently, Aksum could not maintain its political and social-economic system. Extensive land use that was necessary for the required high level of food production for the kingdom’s large population, and probable heavier rains caused degradation of the fertile soil, which further contributed to the downfall of Aksum.

What was the effect of King Ezana on religion?

Ezana then made the state religion of Axum, Christianity. He made Frumentius the head of the Ethiopian Church. Frumentius and Ezana were both responsible for the increase in Christians in Axum. Ezana even made coins with crosses on them to spread his religion around the kingdom.

What is Aksum known for?

Aksum managed trade between India and the Mediterranean in ivory, gold, emeralds, silk, spices, agricultural products, salt, exotic animals, manufactured goods, and much more. In the first century CE, Aksum flourished. They could afford to build a powerful navy to patrol the Red Sea and protect their trade routes.

How did Aksum end?

Later the Mediterranean trade of Aksum was ended by the encroachment of the Arabs in the 7th and 8th centuries. Gradually, Aksumite power shifted internally to the Agau (Agaw, or Agew) people, whose princes shaped a new Christian line in the Zagwe dynasty of the 12th–13th century.

What is Aksum religion?

In 320 A.D. Ezana became the King of Axum. Under his rule, Ezana embraced Christianity in 327 A.D. and made it the dominant religion of Axum. Axum became the first state in Africa to adopt Christianity as its official faith and at the time was among only a handful of Christian states in the world.

What was the wealthiest city state in East Africa?

By controlling Sofala, Kilwa was able to con- trol the overseas trade of gold from southern Africa. As a result, Kilwa became the wealthiest, most powerful coastal city-state.

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