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When a guy asks for space What does it mean?

When a guy asks for space What does it mean?

Here’s what 14 men think it means when a guy says he needs space or time: “It either means they need space and time to sort through their feelings or that they want a break from the relationship to be with other women. Folks can decide which option seems more likely depending on context.”

When someone asks for space what does that mean?

“Expressing that, in order to feel safe to go deeper in the relationship, taking some space is needed, can let the other person know that you aren’t bailing — you are just taking some time to regroup.”

Is it OK to take space in a relationship?

If your partner says they need space, it’s easy to panic and think you’ve done something wrong—but the truth is, a little bit of space is healthy in a relationship. So if your partner says they need some time or some breathing room, trust their instincts and do your best to make it happen.

A request for space doesn’t usually mean, “I need to be alone so that I can be a better person — and thus a better partner to you.” Rather, it almost always means, “Look, I don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore, but I am really worried about hurting your feelings, so I’m saying this instead on the off chance that it …

What does it mean when he says he wants space but keeps texting?

When he says he needs space but still texts, it could mean that he is keeping you as a reserve, he wants to see what else is out there but still have you waiting for him. There’s no reason why you should take that from him. You deserve to be treated so much better.

What does it mean when a man wants space in a relationship?

What does it mean when a guy says he wants space? In a new relationship, when a guy says he wants space, he might not be ready for a relationship just yet or maybe the relationship you are building is progressing too fast.

What does it mean when a guy says he needs space?

Needing space does not necessarily mean that he’s cheating. It could simply mean that he needs some time off to think about stuff. Perhaps the relationship is moving too quickly for him. Perhaps he is under a lot of pressure from work. Perhaps he has unresolved family drama that needs his attention.

When does a man ask for space in a relationship?

A man might ask for space in the beginning of a relationship, or when things are more serious, or even after you’re married. No matter what, it’s a horrible feeling and you can’t stop your mind from spinning and fearing the worst.

Why do men pull away when they say they need space?

Don’t worry, I’m here to help. more: Why Do Men Pull Away? If he’s asking you for space, chances are that you’re thinking back through everything you said and did looking for something you did wrong. You’re probably scouring your relationship for clues on what’s happening and trying to get him to give you signs he still cares about you.

Is it selfish to ask for space in a relationship?

While, yes, asking for space can be selfish. And hurtful. And really kind of evil. There’s also something a tiny bit noble about it. He needs some time to think about what he wants. And he’s being strong enough to ask for it. What it may not mean is that this is the end. There’s something holding him back from breaking up.

What does it mean when a man says give him space?

After an intense time of closeness, healthy men need space. Just the same, when a guy says, “give me space” it can mean a lot of different things. It can feel confusing and hurtful. I get it. Let’s go over why men need space and then what to do when he asks for space.

When does a guy ask you for space?

There’s no doubt about it, sometimes a guy asks for space because he’s doing the dodgy, but other times it’s a legitimate request. Think about the times you’ve needed space, whether it be from work, a group of friends or a time-consuming project.

Why do guys need space in a relationship?

Rekindling the flames of passion is just as important to a relationship as it is to be in each other’s faces all the time. More often than not, it is the man who initiates the need to spend some time apart. Needing space does not necessarily mean that he’s cheating.

What to do when someone says he needs space?

In fact, the absolute best thing to do when he says he needs space is to believe him, and let him have the space he’s looking for. If you do that, he will be able to concentrate and solve whatever’s bothering him, and it makes him much much much more likely to want to come back to you once he’s figured things out. Why Did He Ask For Space?

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