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When did Hannah Hajek die?

When did Hannah Hajek die?

Hannah was the beautiful little daughter of Bedrick and Margit Karpeles Hajek. Hannah and her grandmother were sent to Auschwitz and murdered. Hannah was four and a half years old….Hannah Hajek.

Birth 9 Feb 1939
Death Oct 1944 (aged 5) Poland
Burial Auschwitz Concentration Camp Oświęcim, Powiat oświęcimski, Małopolskie, Poland

How did Hannah Hajek die?

Jews were constantly being packed into trains headed for the Auschwitz death camp. In October 1944, Hannah, her mother and her grandmother were sent to Auschwitz. Upon arrival they were immediately taken off the train and murdered in the gas chambers.

Where was Hannah Hajek born?

Prague, Czechoslovakia
Hannah was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia on February 10, 1939. Her parents, Bedrick and Margit (Karpeles), had left Vienna, Austria, in 1935 for political reasons.

What is a second generation Holocaust survivor?

The children of people who lived through the Holocaust – mostly Jewish – are known as second-generation survivors. The need for the children of survivors to understand the origins of their own demons, is, she believes, fuelling research into their traumatic family histories.

What is Second Generation Syndrome?

Evidence shows that the children of Holocaust survivors, referred to as the Second Generation, can be deeply affected both negatively and positively—by the horrific events their parents experienced. At the same time, the child may gain from their parents experience some helpful coping skills.

Who is most affected by generational trauma?

Refugees. One group of people that is often at risk of experiencing transgenerational trauma is refugees. While all refugees experience some sort of loss and trauma, war-related trauma has been documented to have longer lasting effects mental health and span through more generations.

Does trauma change DNA?

Here’s how: Trauma can leave a chemical mark on a person’s genes, which can then be passed down to future generations. This mark doesn’t cause a genetic mutation, but it does alter the mechanism by which the gene is expressed. This alteration is not genetic, but epigenetic.

Do we inherit trauma?

A growing body of research suggests that trauma (like from extreme stress or starvation among many other things) can be passed from one generation to the next. Here’s how: Trauma can leave a chemical mark on a person’s genes, which can then be passed down to future generations.

Can stress change your DNA?

Our studies and those of many other researchers around the world have shown that early life stress alters how DNA is packaged, which makes cells function differently than their original mandate.

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