
Where can I rent in West Hollywood CA?

Where can I rent in West Hollywood CA?

For more information, please contact the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station at (310) 855-8850. City of West Hollywood facilities are currently closed, but virtual operations are up-and-running. Rent Stabilization and Housing Staff are available by email and phone, Monday – Friday 8:00AM – 5:00PM.

How much does it cost to rent an apartment in Los Angeles?

The median rent for a studio apartment in Los Angeles is $1,269. How much is a studio apartment in Los Angeles? The median rent for a studio apartment in Los Angeles is $1,269. How much would it cost to rent a one-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles? The median rent for a one-bedroom apartment rental in Los Angeles is $1,532.

Is there a rent relief program in West Hollywood?

The City of West Hollywood is getting out the word that the COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act – SB91 (Act) was signed into state law January 29, 2021. The Act extends eviction protections to COVID-19 impacted tenants and establishes the state’s COVID-19 Rent Relief program.

Is there a rent stabilization ordinance in West Hollywood?

Title 17 of the West Hollywood Municipal Code (Rent Stabilization Ordinance) holds West Hollywood’s rent laws and tenant protections, including application of the law, obligations for property owners, limits on rent increases, limits on eviction, tenant protection from harassment, and requirements for temporary and permanent relocation.

Are there any apartments for rent in Hollywood?

Some apartments for rent in Hollywood might offer rent specials. Look out for the rent special icon! Beautiful apartments near Lakeside Town Shops and Beth David Memorial Gardens. Units are air-conditioned with ample storage. Community boasts tennis and basketball courts and a swimming pool.

Where are the Hollywood East apartments in Florida?

In the heart of the community, yet far from the ordinary, Hollywood East is the new, and highly evolved rental community located in downtown, Hollywood, Florida.

What do you need to know about Hollywood East?

Hollywood East embodies a refined, elegant and luxurious design with a streamlined and functional architecture. Modern meets convenience with easy access to parking facilities, recreational amenities and private accommodations. Beautiful Living Areas.

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