
Where do Muslims have to pray towards?

Where do Muslims have to pray towards?

Muslims, regardless of where they are on Earth, pray towards the Kaaba (the big black cube in Mecca). This obligatory prayer direction is called the qibla. If you are West of Mecca, you pray to the East. If you are East of Mecca, you pray to the West.

Why do Muslims pray at Mecca?

In Islam the Kaaba is believed to be a sacred site built by the prophets Abraham and Ishmael, and that its use as the qibla was ordained by God in several verses of the Quran revealed to Muhammad in the second Hijri year. Prior to this revelation, Muhammad and his followers in Medina faced Jerusalem for prayers.

What direction should you face when praying?

Normally, offering prayers to the God by facing in the north or east direction is considered the best, but sometimes worship is done by facing in other directions as well, especially for getting any particular wish fulfilled.

Which side should God face in a house?

According to Vastu Shastra, it is considered appropriate to place the idol and picture of any goddess and deity on the wall on the east or north side of the house of worship. Never face the idol or picture of God towards the north, otherwise, the worshiper will face towards the south.

Why we should not sleep facing east?

According to Vastu Shastra, sleeping in the east direction is good, while sleeping in the west direction can be harmful which includes sleeping with your feet on the east side. Moreover, your head should be placed in the east direction as it increases memory, concentration, good health and spirituality in a person.

In which direction should we sleep according to Islam?

It is Sunnah to sleep on your right side and face the Qibla. When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) laid down to sleep, he would go on his right side and place his right hand under his right cheek. Sleeping on your stomach is not permissible in Islam as this is the way Shaytaan sleeps.

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