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Who taught MLK about Gandhi?

Who taught MLK about Gandhi?

Future lawmaker John Lewis was another. In the 1950s, Lewis studied Gandhi in nonviolence workshops. These workshops prepared him for the peaceful protests he would later lead in Tennessee. In 1959, King went to India to learn more about Gandhi and his ideas.

What did Martin Luther King say about Mahatma Gandhi?

King drew heavily on Gandhian principle of nonviolence in his own civil rights activism, writing that “while the Montgomery boycott was going on, India’s Gandhi was the guiding light of our technique of nonviolent social change.” “Nonviolence” is a more than simply agreeing that you won’t physically attack your enemy.

What did Martin Luther King say during his visit to India?

‘To India I come as a pilgrim’: Martin Luther King Jr.’s remarkable trip to honor his hero. “To other countries I may go as a tourist, but to India I come as a pilgrim,” he told the two dozen reporters gathered there on Feb. 10, 1959. They peppered him with questions.

John Lewis
Future lawmaker John Lewis was another. In the 1950s, Lewis studied Gandhi in nonviolence workshops. These workshops prepared him for the peaceful protests he would later lead in Tennessee. In 1959, King went to India to learn more about Gandhi and his ideas.

What Martin Luther King said about Gandhi?

He later remarked that he considered Gandhi to be “the greatest Christian of the modern world” (King, 23 June 1962).

What did Martin Luther King accomplish in 1965?

With King at its helm, the civil rights movement ultimately achieved victories with the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

What did Martin Luther King Jr do in India?

King met with the Gandhi family, as well as with Indian activists and officials, including Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, during the five-week trip. In his 1959 Palm Sunday sermon, King preached on the significance of Gandhi’s 1928 salt march and his fast to end discrimination against India’s untouchables.

Where did Martin Luther King Jr go on his trip?

On March 1, the Kings traveled to Ahmedabad, where they visited the Sabarmati ashram founded by Gandhi and where he began his 1930 Salt March to the sea. Vishwananda recalled that “the Kings had a great experience going round the hallowed place and meeting in prayer the six hundred” residents, many of whom were untouchables.

How did Martin Luther King Jr influence him?

And he didn’t. Deeply influenced by the works of Gandhi while studying at the Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, King made the struggle for civil liberty for African- Americans in the USA his sole motto. His weapons: faith in God and nonviolence.

When did Martin Luther King Jr start his non-violent campaign?

His first application of the non-violent campaign came in 1955 during the Montgomery bus boycott. Here he had a firsthand opportunity to witness the power of a peaceful protest.

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