Useful Tips

Why are my prayers not being answered?

Why are my prayers not being answered?

Selfishness is praying with the wrong motive. God searches the heart of man and He knows why we do what we do. When you pray with the wrong motive, you don’t receive answers to your prayers. For instance praying against someone just because they don’t agree with you is a wrong prayer, which will not be answered.

Why God did not answer our prayer?

– As long as your prayers are for selfish motives, driven by pride hidden in your heart, God will not answer them. He that turneth away his ear from hearing the Law, even his prayer [shall be] abomination.

What does the Bible say about God not hearing our prayers?

John 9:31 – “We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will.” 2. 1 Peter 3:12 – “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

What do you do when God isn’t answering your prayers?

Rest in Him. God always comes through on His promises and we can trust that His plans are much better for us than our own. Sometimes His answer is “wait,” or “not yet”. Other times it’s a flat out “No, child. My will for you is better.” We’ll never be able to see the full picture of what God has planned for us.

Why does God take so long to answer prayers?

Originally Answered: Why does God sometimes take so long to answer prayers? God has never answered any prayers, those that say he has are just desperately fooling themselves or connecting a coincidence to a yearning to believe they in some way they have been blessed by him.

Does God speak to sinners?

Still others repent of sin at their bedside after reading the Scriptures. God speaks to the sinner’s heart no matter where we are. But there is only “One Way” to salvation, and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

What to do when it seems like God isn’t working?

What To Do When You Feel God Isn’t Listening

  • Take a deep breath. Feel the air fill your lungs and be grateful that you are alive.
  • Know that this too shall pass. Nothing except Heaven is forever.
  • Consult your Bible. Below we’ve listed some Bible verses for when you feel like God isn’t there.
  • Pray to God.

How can God answer all our prayers at the same time?

God has to listen to only one prayer at a time because God dwells in each one of us. There is a Divine Soul in you that is hearing all your prayers, as is the Divine Soul in me that is hearing all my prayers. God exists in each living creature and the God in us is listening to our prayers.

Is God obligated to answer prayers?

The truth is that God is not obligated to answer any man’s prayer. But believers don’t always know how to pray, so the Holy Spirit prays “for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8:26-27).

Why can’t I hear God talking to me?

Most people cannot hear the voice of the Lord because they truly don’t believe that God is speaking to them. Maybe they believe they lack the ability, maybe they have false theological barriers to hearing God’s voice, or maybe they just don’t think God would speak to them because they think they are unqualified.

Why do I feel like God is punishing me?

Feeling like you’re being punished by God is normal for two reasons: 1) life is filled with difficult losses, terrible tragedies, and dry stretches of boredom and loneliness; and 2) you are human, which means you screw up. You make mistakes, hurt others, fail to live up to your own standards, and let people down.

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Why are my prayers not being answered?

Why are my prayers not being answered?

Selfishness is praying with the wrong motive. God searches the heart of man and He knows why we do what we do. When you pray with the wrong motive, you don’t receive answers to your prayers. For instance praying against someone just because they don’t agree with you is a wrong prayer, which will not be answered.

What does the Bible say about God not answering prayers?

– As long as your prayers are for selfish motives, driven by pride hidden in your heart, God will not answer them. He that turneth away his ear from hearing the Law, even his prayer [shall be] abomination.

What is the most miraculous prayer?

Shortest And Most Powerful Miracle Prayer Never Known to Fail Lord Jesus, I come before Thee, just as I am, I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Thy Name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me.

Is it correct to say my prayers are with you?

Both are grammatically correct – they are different tenses, so it would depend on the situation as to which one should be used. “My prayers have been answered” is the more common and natural way of saying it.

How do I know if God will answer my prayers?

God Is Answering Your Prayers Through Your Desires God may also answer your prayers by planting a desire in your heart. Or He may give you a vision or dream in answer to your request. Like He did for Cornelius, who was a God-fearing, praying man (Acts 10:1-2).

Are prayers always answered?

When the answer is “yes,” God answers our prayers and His response matches with what we asked for. We truly enjoy this response. When the answer is “no,” this is not what we hoped for and we often interpret the “no answer” as God has not answered our prayers. When what we pray for does not match with God’s will.

How God answers our prayers in 3 ways?

I’ve heard it said that God answers prayers in one of three ways. God says “Yes,” and you receive what you ask for. God says “No,” and you have to accept it and move on. Or God says “Not Yet,” and you learn to be patient and wait.

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