
Why did the Word ie Jesus Christ became flesh?

Why did the Word ie Jesus Christ became flesh?

Jesus Christ not only gives God’s Word to us humans; he is the Word. The Logos is God, begotten and therefore distinguishable from the Father, but, being God, of the same substance (essence). To the Gnostics who would deny a real incarnation, John’s answer was most emphatic: “the Word became flesh.”

What Word means God becoming flesh?

In Christian theology, the incarnation is the belief that Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, also known as God the Son or the Logos (Koine Greek for “word”), “was made flesh” by being conceived in the womb of a woman, the Virgin Mary, also known as the Theotokos (Greek for “God-bearer”).

What is the meaning of flesh in the Bible?

In the Bible, the word “flesh” is often used simply as a description of the fleshy parts of an animal, including that of human beings, and typically in reference to dietary laws and sacrifice. A related turn of phrase identifies certain sins as “carnal” sins, from Latin caro, carnis, meaning “flesh.”

Who called Jesus the Word made flesh?

John 1

John 1:14
← 1:13 1:15 →
The Latin inscription “Verbum Caro Factum Est” meaning “the Word was made flesh” taken from John 1:14 at the pulpit of Ribe Cathedral (1597)
Book Gospel of John
Christian Bible part New Testament

Where does Jesus say I am the Word?

In John 8:24 Jesus states: “For unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins”, and later the crowd attempts to stone Jesus in response to his statement in John 8:58: “Before Abraham was, I am”.

What does it mean the Word was God?

[It] is clear that in the translation “the Word was God”, the term God is being used to denote his nature or essence, and not his person. But in normal English usage “God” is a proper noun, referring to the person of the Father or corporately to the three persons of the Godhead.

What is a sin of the flesh?

phrase. archaic, humorous. Sins related to physical indulgence, especially sexual gratification. ‘That’s what the aristocrats of 18 th-century Venice did when they celebrated Carnevale, their last chance to indulge the sins of the flesh before Lent.

What is the world made flesh?

In John’s Prologue, notice what the light leads to: life. Jesus, the Word made flesh, offers life. This is a hugely important idea in John, who tells us that he wrote his Gospel “so that you will believe that Jesus is the Christ, God’s Son, and that believing, you will have life in his name” (John 20:31).

Where does Jesus say I am the Son of God?

In Matthew 27:43, while Jesus hangs on the cross, the Jewish leaders mock him to ask God help, “for he said, I am the Son of God”, referring to the claim of Jesus to be the Son of God.

What is the 7th last word of Jesus?

When Jesus had received the wine, he said, “It is finished;” and he bowed his head and handed over the spirit. (Gospel of John 19:30). THE SEVENTH WORD. Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” (Gospel of Luke 23:46).

Who was the Word that was with God?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 opens the larger section sometimes described as the “Prologue to John” (John 1:1–18) which deals with Jesus, the “Word made flesh” who “dwelt among us” (John 1:14).

Is it a sin to be lazy?

It is a sin to be lazy. Laziness causes people to stop growing. Being lazy is refusing to obey God and refusing to do everything for His glory. It causes people to miss out on relying on the Holy Spirit for rest even in the hardest and craziest of times.

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