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Why is my boyfriend a daily pot smoker?

Why is my boyfriend a daily pot smoker?

I am writing because my boyfriend is a daily pot smoker. We have been together for almost five years and for five years, it has been the one aspect of our relationship that I would consider a huge problem. He does not smoke cigarettes or do any other drug but needs his daily joint. Skip to Content Login MenuSkip to Content Home Addictions

How old is my husband who smokes pot?

Ive been married to a man for 12 years now. He is 42 y/o. We have 2 kids. When we were dating he had an alcohol issue but I never knew he smoked pot. 10 years later I found his stash. We had a major fight. He continued to blame me for his problems.

Is it bad if your partner smokes weed?

However, anyone who abuses a substance of any kind becomes just kind of boring. Since he came clean about his preference for weed over alcohol when you met, you’re the one who wasn’t transparent here. Maybe you’ve changed the way you feel over the years and find that he doesn’t have the qualities that you want in a partner any more.

How does smoking pot affect a person’s life?

It impairs an individual’s ability to make deep and meaningful attachments. It robs him of the ability to be intimate with other people. This promotes isolation, which feeds the need to smoke pot, which strains more relationships, which causes increased conflict in marriage or with co-workers and friends.

Is it bad for the family if your husband smokes pot?

Your husband’s habit could land him in jail. I’m sure you’ll agree that this wouldn’t be good for the family as a whole. Second is the question of what pot does to the person who uses it. Marijuana smoke is actually more irritating to the mouth, throat, air passages, and lungs than tobacco smoke.

How did marijuana addiction affect my marriage Jaime?

Jaime’s husband was a marijuana addict, but together, they were able to overcome his addiction and remain a united family unit. My husband’s marijuana addiction nearly derailed our marriage . . . here’s how we got through it.

What should I do if my partner smokes weed?

If he has some of them and not others, maybe you can work out a compromise on what you both feel is an acceptable amount of recreational partying. Of course this casts you as a parental type, which (unless you’re into that kind of thing) is not really sexy.

Is it illegal for my husband to use marijuana?

In the first place, while the political agenda to standardize marijuana as a medical treatment has been successful in some states, it’s still illegal to purchase or use pot in most communities. Your husband’s habit could land him in jail.

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