
Do you need to be an expert in apologetics?

Do you need to be an expert in apologetics?

Every Christian should be able to give a reasonable presentation of his or her faith in Christ. No, not every Christian needs to be an expert in apologetics. Every Christian, though, should know what he believes, why he believes it, how to share it with others, and how to defend it against lies and attacks.

Who are some famous people in Christian apologetics?

1. Kerby Anderson – VP of International Society of Christian Apologetics. 2. John Ankerberg – Founder of Ankerberg Theological Research Institute; Great podcast. 3. Greg Bahnsen – the late great presuppositional apologist. Debated Gordon Stein. 4. Andy Bannister – London School of Theology / Oxford Centre for Christian apologetics. 5.

Where does the word apologetics come from in Christianity?

Question: “What is Christian apologetics?”. Answer: The English word “apology” comes from a Greek word which basically means “to give a defense.” Christian apologetics, then, is the science of giving a defense of the Christian faith.

Who are the best apologists in the world?

Kerby Anderson – VP of International Society of Christian Apologetics. 2. John Ankerberg – Founder of Ankerberg Theological Research Institute; Great podcast. 3. Greg Bahnsen – the late great presuppositional apologist. Debated Gordon Stein. 4. Andy Bannister – London School of Theology / Oxford Centre for Christian apologetics. 5.

What is an apologist Christian?

A Christian apologist is any believer who gives “a reason or defense” of what they believe in. If we remember that only those whom the Father draws can come to Christ (John 6:44) then we won’t worry about trying to defend what we believe because salvation is fully a work of God.

Who were the apologists?

The Greek Apologists include Quadratus, Aristides, Justin Martyr, Tatian, Apollinaris (bishop of Hierapolis), Melito, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria. Latin Apologists in the 2nd century included Marcus Minucius Felix and Tertullian . The few early manuscripts of the works of the early Apologists…

What is an apologist preacher?

Apologetic Preaching as Discipleship Serves as a Means to Guarding the Flock. When pastors commit to apologetic preaching as discipleship, whether for a specific series of messages or as an ongoing practice in all messages, they are helping maintain the right and left limits of orthodoxy within the congregation.

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