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What are the 3 main gods of Hinduism?

What are the 3 main gods of Hinduism?

Trimurti, (Sanskrit: “three forms”) in Hinduism, triad of the three gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Who are the main three gods?

The Big Three is a collective term which refers to the three major Olympians gods: Zeus/Jupiter, Poseidon/Neptune, and Hades/Pluto.

Who are the three gods that make up the Hindu trimurti what do they do and who worships them?

These three gods are key aspects of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality . The word ‘trimurti’ means ‘three forms’. In the trimurti, Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver and Shiva is the destroyer.

Who is the Hindu trinity?

It is often said that there is a trinity of Hindu gods: Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer.

Who are the 3 strongest Gods?

These are the top ten most powerful gods of Greek mythology.

  • Morpheus God of Dreams. Morpheus the God of Dreams and Sleep.
  • Hephaestus God of the Forge.
  • Hermes God of Trade.
  • Artemis Goddess of the Moon.
  • Hera Goddess of Childbirth and Marriage.
  • Chronos God of Time.
  • Ares God of War.
  • Poseidon God of the Sea.

Who is the biggest Hindu god?

Vishnu is the supreme God of Hinduism. Most Hindus worship one Supreme Being, though by different names. This is because the peoples of India with different languages and cultures have understood the one God in their own distinct way.

Who is the oldest Hindu God?

Shiva has pre-Vedic tribal roots, and the figure of Shiva as we know him today is an amalgamation of various older non-Vedic and Vedic deities, including the Rigvedic storm god Rudra who may also have non-Vedic origins, into a single major deity.

Who is the most feared God?

Deimos’ name translates into English as ‘dread’. Thus, together with his twin, they are ‘dread’ and ‘fear’, making them harbingers of terror. These terrifying twins had two counterparts; Eris the goddess of strife, and their aunt, the goddess Enyo, the deity of war and bloodshed.

Who is Zeus afraid of?

The answer is simple: he was afraid of making Nyx angry. This story is unique because Zeus usually is not afraid of angering the other gods or goddesses. In fact, many myths feature situations in which gods or men are afraid of angering Zeus.

Which religion is the most powerful?

Largest religious groups

Religion Followers (billions) Cultural tradition
Christianity 2.4 Abrahamic religions
Islam 1.9 Abrahamic religions
Hinduism 1.2 Indian religions
Buddhism 0.5 Indian religions
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